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On-demand webinar 

Understanding the landscape of AI governance: How to drive value and ROI with responsible and ethical AI

This webinar will focus on topics around effective AI governance. From addressing ethical concerns, to avoiding governance rollout pitfalls while dealing with upcoming regulations, this session is designed to cover all things responsible AI.

Understanding The Landscape of AI Governance On Demand Webinar banner

Building on the success of our AI Governance Roundtables, this webinar explores the key points and questions asked by our participants across large and enterprise size organisations which were answered by our Head of Data & AI and our Lead Responsible AI Researcher.

With 60% of enterprises globally not yet developing ethical AI policies, and 52%* not safeguarding data privacy through the entire lifecycle, the time of reckoning is near. What will the fallout of ungoverned AI be and what can your business do now to prepare for the future? What is the unquantified impact of not enabling your teams through structured training, mechanisms and tools?

AI governance is an evolving field, as AI technologies continue to advance and new challenges emerge. Treating AI Governance as a simple IT policy update is missing the opportunity to change your perspective on governance, from a tick-box exercise conducted to appease regulators and customers to a powerful enabler and differentiator.

This webinar explores responsible AI and AI governance as enablers covering key aspects such as new and old risks posed by AI, regulatory development, and AI ethics.

*IBM Global AI adoption index 2023

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