Our trusted partners

A network of innovators

Our strategic partnerships position us at the forefront of technological innovation and help us find the right combination of capabilities and solutions to meet your needs.

Our Partners
Access to the right partners to solve your key challenges

Our partners are our key collaborators driving success for our clients, and share our commitment to excellence and great outcomes.

Each partner can play a vital role in digital transformation, shaping how technology can be more accessible, secure, and transformative for organisations worldwide.

Whatever your challenges or objectives, we'll work with the right partner - or combination of partners - to provide the capabilities that help you see value as quickly and efficiently as possible.


Modernise, innovate and build faster with AWS, their scalable, flexible cloud computing, hosting and development solutions are best in class. 

At BJSS we work with you, leveraging our advanced partnership with AWS to help you realise the full potential and business value from your AWS investment.

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Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organisation on the planet to achieve more.

Across Microsoft’s three clouds, Azure, Modern Work and Business Apps, we can help you navigate the broad range of technologies Microsoft has to offer. At BJSS we understand that many organisations have multi-vendor technology stacks and with our deep integration skills and knowledge we can assist in leveraging the full value.

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Google Cloud

Our partnership with Google Cloud technologies has seen us partner on multiple projects across both the private and public sectors.

We have over a 100 credentials and certificates across our employees. By utilising Google Cloud's comprehensive suite of cloud computing services, we are able to access a range of modular cloud services, such as computing, data storage, analytics and machine learning, complemented by a set of management tools.

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Strategic Blue

We work with Strategic Blue to help organisations optimise and manage their cloud spending.

Strategic Blue specialises in providing financial solutions and services for organisations that use cloud computing resources, particularly within the realm of public cloud providers.


In partnership with Databricks we can assist in the management and deployment of your cloud infrastructure by utilising the Databricks Lakehouse Platform, which integrates with cloud storage and security in your cloud account.

Databricks is a unified, open analytics platform for building, deploying, sharing, and maintaining enterprise-grade data, analytics, and AI solutions at scale.


Every day, across almost every continent, the clients we work with rely on commercetools to make faster, more meaningful connections to their customers at every touchpoint.

commercetools is a provider of a cloud-based headless commerce platform that gives organisations with the tools to power e-commerce sales with flexibility and scalability.


Millions of companies of all sizes use Stripe online and in person to accept payments, send pay-outs, automate financial processes, and ultimately grow revenues. Working with our retail clients we can partner with Stripe, accessing the whole suite of tools to assist on your journey to success.

Stripe offers a suite of APIs powering online payment processing and commerce solutions for internet businesses of all sizes.


Carahsoft works in partnership with BJSS to deliver IT products, services and training through hundreds of contracts.

Carahsoft is a US-based Public Sector IT solutions provider, supporting Federal, State and Local Government Agencies and education and healthcare markets.


BJSS and Shopify’s partnership assists customers in accessing the all-in-one commerce platform used by millions of retail businesses.

Shopify’s platform supports clients to start, run and grow a business. Today, millions of businesses use Shopify’s platform and tools whether they’re selling online, in retail stores, or on-the-go.


Snowflake’s mission is to enable every organisation to mobilise its data, enabling everyone to be data driven. We partner with Snowflake to assist our customers on this data centric journey, utilising the power of data to make informed decisions.

Snowflake enables organisations to learn, build and connect with their data-driven peers through cloud-based data storage and analytics services.


Datadog and BJSS can help organisations to operate more efficiently by providing a best in class monitoring and analytics platform that enable seamless collaboration between teams.

Datadog is an observability service for cloud-scale applications, providing monitoring of servers, databases, tools, and services, through a SaaS-based data analytics platform.

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